In life, ALLAH doesn't give you the person you want, instead he gives you the person you need... to love you... hurt you and teach you the real meaning of life... =)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

beach is my best friend

Sitting near to the beach is like some sort of therapy for me..

I do love beach..

S0ooo much.. 

A place to release all the worst and bad feeling..

Look far into the sea..

Live in my own world without being disturb..

Sunday, March 20, 2011

muka saya masuk paper SINAR lahhh !

Sila baca tajuk entry di atas dengan gaya yang sangat teruja. HAHAHA.. 

Serious, mood saya excited dan happy gilerr bila nampak muka sendiri terpampang kat dalam suratkhabar. Pertama kali dalam hidup. Biarlah orang nak cakap saya ni perasan ke apa. Saya TAK kisah. Ko ada ke pic dalam newspaper macam aku? kekeke..

Itulah saya. Yang di tengah-tengah tuh.. Hehehe.. Maaf, gambar kurang jelas..

Sebenarnya semalam saya baru je balik dari trip akademik yang kedua. Yup, sem ni saja dua trip saya dah pergi. Sumenya menghala ke Kuala Lumpur. Penat tapi seronok. Banyak benda yang kita dapat belajar.. =)

Terima kasih yang tak terhingga kepada Bernas Sdn Bhd, Sri Sutra Travel Agency, Karangkraf Sdn Bhd, Restoran Ibunda dan Petronas KLCC kerana sudi menerima kehadiran kami dengan layanan yang cukup bagus.

Gambar di atas diambil semasa kami berada di Karangkraf.

Gambar-gambar sekitar lawatan akademik yang kedua:-

Sampai je ke Kuala Lumpur, turun dari bas dengan pening-pening lalat terus masuk buat lawatan ke Bernas Sdn Bhd..

Berada di makmal ujian..

Setibanya di Karangkraf..

Say Karangkraf u ollz! =)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

delayed entry

On the previous entry, i have promise to you guys that i will update the new entry regarding the trip that i go last week as soon as i come back to Dungun, rite? I'm so sorry i couldn't make it as promised because i'm too tired plus i'm waiting for my dearest girlfriend Arieja to upload all the pictures from her camera to her lappy. That reminds me to get my own digital camera for easier used later on so that this problem will not arise again later on. I'm craving for the latest NIKON COOLPIX. The features are pretty awesome. But i have NO money.. T__T

Never mind, lets get back to the main topic. We all depart from UiTM Dungun campus early in the morning around 8 am. First destiny as soon we arrive Kuala Lumpur is RUMAH ORANG-ORANG TUA at Cheras. Many things we have learned there. I have chances to meet all those old folks and listen to their story. They look so excited when they see us. That's makes me really miss my mama and papa. Ehehehe..

On the second day, we go to the Sheriton Imperial Hotel. It was 5 star rating hotel with 28 storey building if i'm not mistaken. We feel very welcomed. Their staff treat us very nice. We had a tour in the hotel and it was very fun. What can i do is just snap snap and snap pictures in every location they bring us. heeee~

Those pictures will tell you guys what i have experienced from the trip. Bear with meeee.. ^__^


Depart at 7.30 am from the Dungun campus..

Look inside the bag. I woke up early in the morning with my bestie just to prepare and bring 'cucur ikan bilis' as our breakfast.. -__-

 Arrive at Rumah Orang-Orang Tua, Cheras around 2 pm..

Look how excited and happy they are welcoming us..


Remain SMILE even though feel veryyy sleepy.. ;p

Having a visit to Sheriton Imperial Hotel and have a nice moments meeting En Azlin, Training Manager. He such an awesome and sweet man.. 

Our lunch being sponsored by the hotel.. 

Taking some pictures around the lobby area..

Angels of HMB 5HA with their beloved lecturer.. =)


 Spend time window shopping at Sunway Piramid, Petaling Jaya.. Yeehaaa!

 Look at all the beautiful dresses behind me. Really coax me to purchase them.. huh! 

Visiting Nose outlet is a must! 

Watching people playing ice skating. Till now didn't get the courage to try it.. =(

 Ending the visit by having lunch at Simply Penang Restaurant with my dearest sister. She kindly came to the Sunway Piramid just to met her lovely sister.. Thanks kakak! ngeee~

p/s: These was just a part of the trip photos.. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

dia cakap muka saya macam Ida Nerina ??!

Hari ni awal-awal pagi lagi dah kena bangun. Bukannya sebelum ni i tak penah bangun pagi okeh, cuma hari ni pun kena bangun awal pagi macam nak pegi kelas pukul 8 tu lah walaupun hari ni hari cuti. grrrrr..

Macam biasa setiap semester setiap pelajar wajib menghadiri modul ppkp. Kira macam program insaniah la. Bagi kesedaran dekat kita supaya sentiasa menerapkan dan mengamalkan nilai-nilai murni dalam hidup. Manusia ni perlu sentiasa diberi peringatan supaya tidak leka dan alpa. Tambah-tambah lagi pelajar. Hari ni bagi nasihat esok lupa dah (macam saya jeeee) heeee~

Modul kali ni adalah bertajuk kenegaraan. Dengar tajuk program je terus rasa mengantuk. Huahuahua. Tapi nasib baik tadi walaupun tajuk dia agak memboringkan diselitkan sekali dengan aktiviti LDK (latihan dalam kumpulan) supaya pelajar ni tak rasa bosan. Sebelum bermulanya sesuatu program tu macam biasalah aktiviti 'icebreaking' akan diadakan. Masing-masing akan diberi peluang untuk memperkenalkan diri masing-masing. Jadi kalo agak-agak nak usha mamat/awek hensem/cantik inilah masanya. Semua pasang telinga dengar dengan teliti. Pastu dalam hati mula la berangan bestnya kalo dapat satu kumpulan dengan dia tuh. Macam-macam. Kuikuikui.

Setiap orang diminta untuk memperkenalkan diri beserta dengan slogan "saya rasa muka saya macam artis.......". Tak pernah dibuat orang. Mungkin fasilitator ni mahukan kelainan. Pikir punya pikir terlintas satu nama artis yang pernah kawan saya cakap muka saya iras macam muka dia. IDA NERINA. Jadi saya bedal jela tadi sebut "saya rasa muka saya iras IDA NERINA kottt" hehe. Ingatkan habis kat situ je la. Rupa-rupanya fasilitator tu boleh sampuk pulak dan cakap "ha'ah la muka awak memang ada iras-iras muka IDA NERINA la especially tang mata tuh". Malu sekejappp..

Hah, diberi dua gambar di atas tuh. Korang nilai la sendiri tang mana yang samanya.. Bagi saya 'NOT EVEN AN INCHE!'. Haha. Mata orang lain-lain jadi setiap orang mempunyai pendapat yang berbeza..

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

kenyang perut suka hati

Cakap pasal makan for sure la dalam dunia ni sape yang tak suka makan kan? Selagi ada benda yang boleh dibuat makanan selagi tu la kita bedal. Tolak batu dengan kayu je. Kalau batu dengan kayu tu pun bole dibuat makanan, memang dunia ni bagaikan syurga la. Keluar rumah je merata-rata tempat ada makanan. Tak payah susah-susah pegi makan breakfast kat kedai mamak. Tunggu lama untuk order sampai. Jimat duit. Jimat masa. Haha. Dahh. Cukup, bahagian merapu..

Harini selera tetiba rasa nak makan makanan luar negara (western). Jemu hari-hari masak masakan melayu (bajet terer sangat dia masak), even nasi+telur mata+kicap still masakan melayu la jugak kan? Kekeke..

Dari petang tadi even dalam kelas pun dok pikiaq sampai pening-pening kepala nak makan apa eak malam ni. Bukannya pening pikir macam mana ea nak master subjek ni tapi dok pikir pasal makan. Aiyaaakkk. =) 

Decide punya decide akhirnya terkeluar 'jom gi makan pizza hut'. Hehe.. Sekali sekala bolehla pegi makan sedap-sedap. Kalau hari-hari maw tak botak rambut nih gugur 3 bulan sebelum habis sem, sebab hari-hari TERpaksa makan maggi ruski. Hihihi..

Itupun ada jugak 'teman' yang perli. Kononnya sem ni i cakap kat dia yang i nak save duit. Tak maw belanja yang bukan-bukan. Nak save duit tapi pegi makan kat pizza hut. Apa cer bro? Kantoi pulak time tengah nak menjamu selera si dia kol. Adoi, kantoi sudahhh. Hehe.. Alah u bukannya selalu pun. Xpe kan.. xpe kan..?  =__=

See, i bukan order yang mahal-mahal pun. Cukuplah sekadar untuk mengalas perut. Heeeee~

Muka kenyang dapat makan. Syukur alhamdulillah. =)

Owh, yang ini aktiviti sampingan. Kalo korang pandai cubalah teka.. ^__^

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mix & Match

Happy. Nervous. Excited.

Early tomorrow morning, me along with my classmate will be heading to Shah Alam as one of our group project under subject Club Management.

We will be stay there for 3 days and 2 nights and Intec. section 17 will be our second home along the trip.

I've already done packing all my necessary needs after 2 hours. Yup, 2 hours! Can you imagine? Huahuahua. Like usual before start packing I will be a little bit doubt and confuse on what i've to pack and bring. I'm scared if i forgot to bring the thing that i need the most. I also too concerned about my suitable outfit. How do i look?

Each of us are required to wear a formal attire because we will visit a well known club in Kuala Lumpur. As usual advices from the lecturer "we as a student of UiTM should bring a good image by wearing a proper and polite attire that reflect us as the student and bla bla bla". =)

Because of that requirement i rummage and digging all the clothing that i have. I take out everything from my closet and put it on the bed. I start thinking and select which outfit that look nice and polite on me. I do not have time to buy a new clothes. What can i do is just 'mix and match' procedure. I become a contract 'model' without being paid for a while. Hehe..

Do pray for our safety journey. I will straightly update the new entry about this trip as soon I come back to Dungun. Oh yeahhh! =)

Part of my outfit.. Lets be trendy gurl! =)